Install the Text-to-Speech Engine

You can use either Speechify version 3.0 or RealSpeak version 4.0. For this release, we recommend using Speechify 3.0.

Install Speechify 3.0

You can get the correct files to install for Speechify 3.0 from Excel.

To install the Speechify software:

1 Copy the files to a directory (for example, /root/speechify), unzip them and install the RPMs.

cd /root/speechify

tar -zxf Speechify-3.0.1.i386-linux.tar.gz

tar -zxf Speechify-VOX-en-US-jill-8KHz-3.0-0.i386-linyx.tar.gz

tar -zxf Speechify-Vox-en-US-mara-8kHz-3.0-0.i386-linux.tar.gz

rpm -i *.rpm

2 After you install Speechify, enter the following line into the /usr/local/SpeechWorks/Speechify/config/SWittsConfig.xml file under the section labeled ENGINE PARAMETERS:

<protectedParam name="tts.engine.maxAudioRate" password="ufvFKLhEQ7bupHd0q49B0">

<value> 10000 </value>


To license the Speechify software:

1 Get the license file from Excel and copy it.

cp speechify.lic /usr/local/SpeechWorks/Speechify/flexlm/components

2 Start the license service.

cd /usr/local/SpeechWorks/Speechify/flexlm/components

./lmgrd -c speechify.lic

3 Enter the following to stop the license service.

./lmutil lmdown -c speechify.lic

Install ScanSoft RealSpeak 4.0

If you installed and plan to use Speechify 3.0, you do not need to perform the procedures in this section.

For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0, you need to install the openssl096b-0.9.6b-13 compatible package:

u openssl096b-0.9.6b-13.9386.rpm

For ScanSoft RealSpeak 4.0, you’ll need the following rpms:

u rs-api-4.0-4.i386.rpm

u rs-lic-4.0-4.i386.rpm

u rs-American-English-en-US-Jill-4.0-1.i386.rpm

u rs-American-English-en-US-Tom-4.0-1.i386.rpm (optional)

u rs-American-English-en-US-Jennifer-4.0-1.i386.rpm (optional)

To install RealSpeak 4.0:

1 Install the rpms in the following order:

n rpm -i rs-api-4.0-4.i386.rpm

n rpm -i rs-lic-4.0-4.i386.rpm

n rpm -i rs-American-English-en-US-Jill-4.0-1.i386.rpm

Jill is the default voice.

2 Obtain a license from ScanSoft (realspeak.lic) and copy it.

cp realspeak.lic /usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0/flexlm/components

3 Start the license service.

cd /usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0/flexlm/components

./lmgrd -c realspeak.lic

4 Add the following to your path and LD_LIBRARY.

export PATH=/usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0/speech/components/common : $PATH

export PATH=/usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0/api/lib : $PATH

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0/speech/components/common : $LD_LIBRARY_PATH

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0/api/lib/ : $LD_LIBRARY_PATH


5 Change permissions on the RealSpeak installation directory so that the Vocalocity Voice Browser can write to the directories.

cd /usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0

chmod +w .

chmod +x standard

6 Start RealSpeak 4.0 to acquire a license and release it.

cd /usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0

./standard "American English" Jennifer ./speech ./api/demos/data/us_english.txt

7 If the output looks similar to the following, the installation was successful.





To configure RealSpeak 4.0:

1 Use an editor such as vi to open the ttsserver.xml file in the /usr/local/ScanSoft/RealSpeak_4.0/config/ directory.

2 Change the location of the flexlm license server to point to local host (




<!-- <server></server> -->


3 Save the changes.